Contact us
Please contact us with all your questions or requirements. We will answer with 24 hours.
Belvedere Boutique Hotel
76 Dr. Kwame Nkrumah (Gever street)
Ludwigsdorf, Klein Windhoek, NAMIBIA
Landline: +264 61 25 88 67
Mobile: +264 81 127 2037
From Hosea Kutako International Airport to Belvedere Boutique Hotel (approx 40km/40min). On leaving the Namibia International Airport, turn right towards Windhoek. You stay on the highway until you get the first T junction stop as you enter Windhoek. Turn right into Sam Nujoma Avenue until you get the first traffic light (+- 500m). Turn right at the first traffic light into Dr Kwame Nkrumah Road. Continue for 1 km in Dr Kwame Nkrumah Road and Belvedere is on your left hand side – 76 Dr Kwame Nkrumah Road (Old Gever street)